Viva Mexican Restaurant (Urbandale, IA) Review

Rating: 4 out of 5.

3.75* (out of 5)

Food: 4*

Atmosphere: 4*

Value: 4*

Service: 3*

05/05/2023 Viva Mexican Restaurant

Didn’t even know this was a restaurant until a co-worker scheduled a going away party here that happened to fall on Cinco de Mayo. Seeing it from the North side, it struck me as more of an industrial building or health store than a restaurant. As the attached pictures show though, it is indeed a Mexican restaurant – and I found the experience to be worth the stop.

Because it was Cinco de Mayo, the place was packed and we had a tough time getting a couple of tables for the group to sit together. Ultimately we were able to get most of the party (other than some late arrivals) seated together at a couple of tables that they pulled together for us.

Service was average at best…again likely due to the packed restaurant with multiple parties waiting at the front door to be seated. The 16oz Lime Margarita that was the special for the day was quite tasty once it was delivered and came with a pitcher to refill it a couple of times. For our meal, we ordered the Fajitas Viva La Bamba (see pictures) – which tasted great and proved to be plenty of food for my wife and I to share (especially after eating plenty of chips and salsa).

I look forward to stopping back some time when they aren’t so packed and rushed, but regardless found even this stop to be worthwhile – so would recommend stopping, especially if you see one of the daily drink specials that are of interest (see pictures).

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