Columbia Restaurant (Clearwater Beach, FL) Review

Rating: 5 out of 5.

4.75* (out of 5)

Food: 5*

Atmosphere: 5*

Value: 4*

Service: 5*

01/14/2023 Columbia Restaurant Sand Key

We ate at the downtown Tampa location on an earlier visit and liked it so much that we sought it out for lunch during our stay in Clearwater Beach. Similar to our earlier visit, we thoroughly enjoyed the stop and would highly recommend it to anyone in the area looking for some great Spanish / Cuban food in a luxury atmosphere with a great view.

We had not ordered a pitcher of drinks before, but since we had 4 people in our party, we ordered the Mojito Pitcher and enjoyed the preparation performance as well as the drinks (see pictures). Given our previous experience with the 1905 Salad made at your table, we ordered it again and enjoyed the waiter’s performance (see pictures).

We initially enjoyed the complimentary table bread (see picture) – but be forewarned, it is very crumbly so it is hard not to make a mess eating it. My wife enjoyed a side salad (see picture). For our meal, I wasn’t very hungry so ordered the Empanadas de Picadillo (see picture) and would rate them highly. My wife ordered the Filet Steak (see picture), my Mom ordered the Shrimp & Yellow Rice (see picture) and my Dad ordered the Salmon Aurora (see picture). We exchanged tastes and all thought each of the dishes was delicious.

Lastly, no meal is complete without dessert. We ordered Cafe con Leches (see picture) and an Espresso (see picture) to enjoy with the main course – the Bread Pudding (see picture). All of them were delicious…but keep in mind that the Bread Pudding is very heavy and dense – so you’ll want a few people to help eat it or a box to take the extra home!

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